Of Vice and Vitriol: Google's Machiavellian Methods

I made a TED talk. It's called The Future of Google Search and Ethics.

In it I argue that Google is not only unethical for running a hurtful tyrannical system, but they are also undemocratic, too. That ubiquitous public services (like internet search) must be considered infrastructure to our fledgling digital democratic system. Something we are supposed to have "checks and balances" to protect. That we currently don't. And simply cannot be run by an uncontrolled, unregulated, for-profit, private, autocracy (read: Google).

At least, not wisely. And not ethically.

Please watch it here:

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Josh Bachynski

For more commentary (i.e., rants) on morality, politics, culture, how the entire human species is infected by a computer virus that will likely destroy our civilization, and other minor issues, see Josh’s self-published book The Zombies, or email joshbachynski@gmail.com for a free advance copy.

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